Update: Important Notice regarding the Upcoming IALS Conference

Dear members of IALS,

We have an update regarding the 20th IALS Conference, 2023. Many participants from India are unable to go and attend the conference at Heidelberg, due to a problem with their VISA application. Some of them received their VISA last minute and for a very short duration of time. Therefore, given the present circumstances, it was decided by the Conference Organising Committee with discussion with the Heidelberg University, that we should have a hybrid conference, where we plan to have presenters from Ladakh at one place and relay an online platform for the two days of conference presentations, i.e. 6th and 7th October, 2023, as per the original paper presentations schedule. 

Unfortunately, we will only be able to ask only the presenters from the final programme to present their papers during the event. If any IALS members and other interested individuals wish to join us in Leh, we request you to register at ialsconference2023@gmail.com and confirm your participation for the event on or before the 4th October, 2023.The registration fee for two day conference 6th & 7th October, 2023, is Rs. 1000/- for individuals, and Rs. 500/- for students. 

Since we have limited seating capacity of 15-20 individuals, we will confirm participation on ‘First Come, First Serve’ basis. Please do email us before the 04th October, as we need to order catering in advance. 

For online participation, we will also provide an online link for students and others interested.

Thank you for your cooperation. 


20th IALS Conference Committee